These Bits will be a little note now and then on my commercial consumerist capitalist desires (as disgusting and unnecessary as they are!). I'm not a big spender, but when I see something I love, there can be a problem! Usually I am good enough to talk myself out of it until I've justified - really justified - a big purchase. But it's the little, seemingly inconsequential things that get me every time.
Well my BITS (not those ones) will now be on display for you all (awkward).
If not to just get it out of my system, than to share with you beautiful things we can materialistically consume together and feel guilty about later.
Let's put it this way.
If I had a lot of money I would do a lot of big things. Big, wonderful, mostly moral, life-changing things.
But I don't, so when I have a little bit of cash here and there, I want little bitty things.
Here's a start.
If I had a bit of extra money RIGHT NOW, I would want...
(caution: someone else's bits enclosed)

Plus these lovely pieces to sleep in.
I usually sleep in a plain cotton tank, but there's something kinda nice about sleeping in a sexy little number even when no one is next to you! That said, I refuse to give up my stretchy cotton comfort! These look perfect.

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