Tuesday, March 15, 2011


That's it - I'm writing a book.
I've decided.

It's another one of those things that I keep in my head, swirling around and around, developing slowly, secretly and silently. I should know by now that SHARING ideas BREEDS ideas. Silly rabbit. I've decided that this hesitation to share my ideas is a fear of letting them out before they're fully formed. I've done this my whole life. I come up with something and I tuck it away, hoping to grow it in to something so worth sharing that all its recipients will be motionless with awe over my radiating brilliance. But I've realized two things over recent months of mind and soul exploration. One; people are just as impressed with your processes and ongoing, adventurous, soap opera-like pursuits as they are with any single stationary moment of completion. Two; the more you talk about it, the more it grows and becomes real.

I currently subscribe to the opinion that things in my head aren't real. They're just things in my head. In a day or two they'll move on out of an ear or an eye socket and be ideas of the past, forgotten. That, or they'll linger and haunt me with their lack of development. Once they come out of my tightly sealed lips, they are a thing in the WORLD. Other people know about it. They may even think about it again once you've gone. If they keep thinking about it, and bring it up again, you know it's good. Plus inspiration, when shared, can both inspire someone else and re-inspire you.

My favorite time for inspiration to hit me is when I'm at home, cozied up in my big woolly slippers with a cup of tea, my computer opened to a writing program and nothing but time on my side.

Unfortunately, inspiration has other plans for me. I always get hit when I'm at the gym sweating like a horse or in the shower, equally saturated, or in a busy public space with no pen or place to sit and think. I guess it's in those times that my mind has the freedom to go anywhere because I'm not focusing on some specific project or needing to carry on a conversation and appear to be involved.

So after all that, what is my book about?
I'm not telling.


  1. I'm writing a book too! Well, two books that is! It's very ambitious, a little scary but ultimately fun.

    I'm not afraid of sharing my ideas of my book(s) -- infact I love people's inputs because it helps me solidify those shifty, liquid ideas that wish to be written down and brought to life.

  2. Hey there, found you on 20sb! I have always thought about writing a book, I love writing fiction. Good for you for actually deciding to start one!! :)

  3. I found you on 20SB - hi!

    Good luck with your book! It always helps me to tell others that I'm planning on doing something, because then I feel a lot more pressure to actually get it done! So good job on taking the first step :)

