Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I just want to share this with everyone...
It's an excerpt from this book, which I find quite amusing. And I agree completely.

"Here's the thing - Carrie Bradshaw is a fu-, i mean, a dang... liar. Seriously, she lives in a chichi part of town in a great apartment and has forty thousand dollars' worth of shoes. She's forever out having drinks with her friends and she's not the kind of girl who goes to Dollar Beer Night at a seedy sports bar. She's all 'top shelf or don't bother, please.' Plus, every time a trendy restaurant opens? She's there, and you know they're the twenty-five-dollars-and-that's-just-a-dollop-of-goat-cheese-appetizer kind of places. She doesn't cook and buys all her meals out. She keeps sweaters in her oven, you know... She's a writer. And she has/does all this cool stuff and she's not drowning in credit card debt, nor does she, you know, shake it on the side for extra cash... Although really their lives make me a little crazy. You'd think sometimes they'd just want to stay in and eat Rasinettes and watch old episodes of Mystery Science Theater 3000 while tucked under a fluffy down comforter...The point is Carrie Bradshaw set highly unrealistic expectations."

And I, for one, can not be expected to live by them without going mental! (See previous post)
Time to start separating fantasy from reality and getting being our own role models!


  1. there was a time when carrie was broke after aiden left her. she had to find a new job that paid more, stop taking cabs, no shopping or dining out. it was heartbreaking.
    i also remember an episode where the sale's clerk at dolce and gabbana with a serious straight face said "ma'am, they told me to do this" and cut her credit card (literaly with scissors!) followed by carrie's gasp. that was also the episode where carrie was sort of a hooker. no joke.

  2. Hahaha amazing Lauren! This makes me feel so much better about things!
