You know, I can reflect and meditate and write about false idols all I want... at the end of the day I'm still gonna compare myself to others. It's a sick, sick addiction. Everyone does it, so it's cool, right? It's okay? No one's going to send me to rehab because everyone's on the same drug.
I've decided today, as I have on many other days before, that TV is the DEVIL. Not to exclude all other mass produced media because those are just as deadly but the Tev Dev is the worst. You get sucked in, you think "okay, I'm just gonna relax a for a few ticks" and then you watch and watch, things that don't even interest you, but they're on... then 3 hours later you're watching Born To Be: Kesha and comparing her success to talent ratio versus your own and slowly spiraling into despair. Why did I wake up three hours ago with big creative plans for the day and am only getting up now, slothy and unmotivated to proceed with said creativities?
Due to this totally unheard of revelation, I am sentencing myself to be extra productive today. Like, super extra. I do know that I'm better than that, and I do know that I'm capable, so I do understand that there's no reason to sit and watch the picture screen while my aspirations and self confidence sizzle into nothingness. No more TeeVeeDeeVees and no more slacking and no more "if only I..." wishes.
And by this I do solemnly swear.
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